YT-1000 ramp

YT-1000 ramp

Tuesday 16 October 2012

YT-1000 Part 2 Details for the YT-1000

Now that the primary shape of the YT-1000 is coming together I thought I'd focus on some details. Many thanks go out to my friend Gavin for providing me with many greebles. Gavin has been a prolific model builder since he was a boy, you can visit his blog here,  

 Gavin gave me his collection of left over parts to use for my build.

 I bought several of these compartmentalized storage boxes from the thrift store and spent many hours sorting all the parts.

The first item I built was a docking ring.
 The docking ring went through a few changes until I was happy with it. The tube was formed on my lathe and the rest is styrene and greebles. Once I was satisfied I made a mold using Smooth on Mold-Max 15T then cast in Smooth Cast 300.

 They turned out quite well and look good with a light coat of primer.

The front of the ship is not shown on my drawing so I have to make it up. I know that the cockpit rests in a cut out so I started with that.

Placing the cockpit and access tunnel in place temporarily.

I made the mandibles earlier and now I can fit them into place. They're much shorter that the Falcons.

 A groove was cut through the center line of the mandibles and details added. Armor plates were also cut and glued into place.

Two mandibles.

 The beginnings of the hull armor. 

I'm trying to have the greebles look like they have a function. By connecting them together with conduit or pipes, or by having them touching, they look more realistic then just having a bunch of parts placed randomly.

The top and bottom turret windows were made of styrene, a turned disk and a slice of a PVC pipe. Inside you can see the beginnings of the laser turret and access tube. On the wall is a graphic I made using images of the Falcons turret as reference for drawing them on the computer.

Once I shrunk them down to the correct size, I printed them on label paper. I'll only be building the dorsal turret but there will be laser cannons on upper and lower sides.

 Transferring the panel lines to the model. A compass and ruler is used.

    A finished section of armor plates. I'll add small patches and greebles later.

That's all for now.