YT-1000 ramp

YT-1000 ramp

Sunday, 23 September 2012

YT-1000 Corellian Freighter model build

I'm currently working on this project and it's a lot of fun. For those of you that don't know what a YT-1000 is, well it's an earlier model of the Millennium Falcon.
This is the drawing I'm using to build it and it's pretty much all I have to go on. I am however using photo's of the Millennium Falcon as reference for the general look of the model.

I found this ship in the Haynes Manual for the Corellian Freighter YT-1300 (Millennium Falcon). The YT-1000 is smaller than the YT-1300 as seen in this diagram.
       YT-1300                           YT-1000

This model is all scratch built using sheet styrene and spare model parts.
Here are some photo's of my work so far.
some armor plating and the first greebles

The original engine, the mold and two casts.

The main parts were vacuum formed.

Laying out the bottom side.
Scratch built landing gear.
(the disk part is upside down, it must have been a late night)

Two cast docking rings.
You can see more of this project on other posts called YT-1000 parts 1, 2, 3 etc.